" Tell me, gentlemen," I said, " what is regarded as a normal percentage of profit in business/5 " As much as you can get/' said the spokesman shortly* " Well, that's honest,51 I saicl, cc but does it apply to British firms dealing with the British Government during a war ? " *" No, no ! of course not/' he replied. cc Well/3 I said, u can you tell me what is re- garded as a normal percentage of profit for a British firm to make in its dealings with the British Government (luring a war ? " This stumped him for a moment ; then he said : u I should think that would be left to the British Government to decide,'5 I said that I quite agreed with him, and added that in the case of the dates the British Government had already decided that 15 per cent, was an ample margin of profit. 1 would therefore take the dates at the figure which I calculated would pro- duce this result, and not at the price they had tendered. They did not like this very much, but contented themselves with sending a protest to General Maude-, which met the same fate as that of the Hiliah merchants. Apart from this one transaction I had nothing very important to do at Basrah* which was perhaps as well, for my health broke down and I had to be invalided to India at the end of the year. While I was still in India 1 had orders to go to Gairo at once and report to the High Commissioner. Noth- ing more was said in the telegram, but I heard at 'Delhi that I was wanted for the Arab operations in which my old acquaintance, Lawrencc? had so greatly distinguished himself*